Sunday, October 26, 2014

My Feet hurt Mom - can you carry me?

 Today is Sunday October 26th, 2014.

It's raining and about 40 degrees in Lake Placid.  Wishing this might change to snow.  Many are not.

A small family walked by this morning all bundled up with rain gear and heading to the coffee shop.  One little girl was not happy to be walking in the rain.

Little girl to mom - Mom, my shoes are getting wet.  How far do we have to walk.  Mom to girl - not that much further and you are wearing sneakers, they will dry out.  Girl clearly not happy with that answer I can tell as they stand by the cross walk.  The cars do not stop and the girl wants to go.  Finally one stops and the family cross.  They enter the coffee shop across the street from my store.  They stay inside for a bit and then I see them on the other side walking past and the girls is still not happy about her wet feet or having to walk.  Girl to mom - MOM, MY SOCKS are WET.  I can't walk any more - my feet hurt - can you carry me.  Mom to girl - sorry, I am carrying all the bags and the coffee.  If you want me to leave your toys here so I can carry you that fine.  The mom puts the bag with the toys on the flower bench to pick up the girl and the girls feel suddenly get better.  Girl to Mom - what do you know mom, my feet are much better.  Must have been that little break in the coffee shop.

I thought the way the mom handled this was wonderful.  So many times all you hear is yelling and no solution.  Here is the solution - when the decision to carry the girl and leave the toys behind - she suddenly was better.  lol

They can not see me in here, but I was smiling.  What a way to turn this situation around.  No one yelling, mom not really frustrated, no real crying, just a little whining.  

Think about the way you would handle this.    Have a wonderful day.

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