Friday, October 24, 2014

Backpack man

Today is October 24, 2014

My observation of a Main Street walker today.

Backpack man with umbrella blocking the side walk to you have to walk in the street to pass or worse - pass between him standing on the edge of the sidewalk facing the gradual hill where his back pack is residing. It is raining so now he has his umbrella out.  Blocking more of the sidewalk. A little lady with a cane has to pass by to get to her car in the parking lot. She is with her daughter. You can see she is wondering which way to go. Between the man with the umbrella and his backpack or around the man, into the street. She chooses the street.  The man turns and says something to her. He speaks quietly and I can't hear what he has to say.  Cane woman looks at him as I get ready to run out of the store to help, I see she and her daughter continue to go into the parking lot and get to their car safely.

From my window I watch each person struggle with the decision... to go between or go into the street.  Most choose the street for their own reasons of flee or fight.  I too had to make this decision as I walk to my store.  I smile when I walk down the hill and he is not there.  Then the smile leaves and I notice that he was not gone, he has just moved.  

He is talking to himself as I pass by minding my own business.  I don't walk close enough to hear him.  He stands leaning on the railing with his cup out for tips.  Backpack is on the ground as he meditates.  He has his eyes closed for the most part.  Opens them when people pass by.  He paces back and forth along the sidewalk.  He goes down about 5 stores in one direction and back the other way.  Down 5-6 stores and back to his starting point.  I can hear him talk and would assume he is talking to someone on the phone.  He is not.  Just listen to him.  FOCUS. FOCUS. FOCUS.  That is what he says each time he passes by.  

I wonder why he is here? Does he have family here? Why this time of year?  Winters here are brutal.  Where does he sleep at night?  Do you put $ into his cup?  do you offer food.  What do YOU do...

I am thankful I do have a home, warm clothes, food, a job, family.  What are you thankful for?

Have a great night and remember what you are thankful for tonight when you go to sleep.

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